the humans behind

nice work

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nice work is a newsletter & movement for humans seeking nicer workplaces.

Founded by Rachel Pipan in 2023, our goal is to highlight stories, essays and advice that empower you to reclaim & redefine what “nice” means at work.

“Nice can be (respectfully) disagreeing with someone, it can be setting boundaries about when you’ll answer emails, and it can be giving honest and direct feedback to a colleague about something to improve. Just as much as “nice” can be outstanding work, kind and empathetic conversations, and patient phone calls.”

- Intro to Nice Work

About Rachel

what she writes about

Nice work, or: how what you do and what you create can shine.

Nice people, or: how to set boundaries with yourself and others you work with.

Nice workplaces, or: what is and isn’t in your control about a nice place to work and how to manage it.

Overall: how you are already, and can continue to be, undeniably great.

the official bio

Rachel is a communications expert and strategic advisor for visionary companies and people. In 2020, she co-founded Maneuvre, an Amsterdam-based firm focuses on communications & PR for visionary companies.

In founding Maneuvre, her mission was to create a way of working that could deliver incredible results without requiring the burnout and lack of boundaries endemic to most startups and agencies. She set out with her co-founder to create processes and training that encouraged entrepreneurship, boundaries and independence, cultivating a culture of “nice people, nice work.” Her work earned Maneuvre recognition as a EMEA and Global Inspiring Workplace in 2023.

Rachel holds degrees in strategic communications and PR from Auburn University and American University. Still, she remains convinced the best education she’s received has been from 1) the humans she works with, 2) the entrepreneur journey, and 3) doing the work (including making IRL mistakes)!

a newsletter & movement for nicer work & workplaces

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